Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What Should be Done for Health Care

I believe if we stay on the track we are now our goal of everyone having health care and our economy will be much better off. I like the idea of a competitive health care system because that will lower the cost of competing health care prices making it more affordable. I also really agree with the cut in government overspending and the tax cut in the middle class. I think it will put more money in circulation which will help our economy in so many ways. We are on track to have a great health care plan and are getting closer and closer to everyone having health care.

PBS- Healthcare Crisis: Healthcare Timeline 2000s

PBS- Healthcare Crisis: Healthcare Timeline:


"Health care costs are on the rise again.

Medicare is viewed by some as unsustainable under the present structure and must be 'rescued'.

Changing demographics of the workplace lead many to believe the employer-based system of insurance can't last.

Human Genome Project to identify all of the more than 100,000 genes in human DNA is expected to be completed a full two years ahead of schedule, in 2003.

Direct-to-consumer advertising for pharmaceuticals and medical devices is on the rise."

PBS- Healthcare Crisis: Healthcare Timeline 1990s

PBS- Healthcare Crisis: Healthcare Timeline:

"Health care costs rise at double the rate of inflation.

Expansion of managed care helps to moderate increases in health care costs.

Federal health care reform legislation fails again to pass in the U.S. Congress.

By the end of the decade there are 44 million Americans, 16 % of the nation, with no health insurance at all.

Human Genome Project to identify all of the more than 100,000 genes in human DNA gets underway.
By June 1990, 139,765 people in the United States have HIV/AIDS, with a 60 percent mortality rate. ."

PBS- Healthcare Crisis: Healthcare Timeline 1980s

PBS- Healthcare Crisis: Healthcare Timeline: "Corporations begin to integrate the hospital system (previously a decentralized structure), enter many other healthcare-related businesses, and consolidate control. Overall, there is a shift toward privatization and corporatization of healthcare.


Under President Reagan, Medicare shifts to payment by diagnosis (DRG) instead of by treatment. Private plans quickly follow suit.

Growing complaints by insurance companies that the traditional fee-for-service method of payment to doctors is being exploited.

'Capitation' payments to doctors become more common."

PBS- Healthcare Crisis: Healthcare Timeline 1970s

PBS- Healthcare Crisis: Healthcare Timeline: "President Richard Nixon renames prepaid group health care plans as health maintenance organizations (HMOs), with legislation that provides federal endorsement, certification, and assistance.


Healthcare costs are escalating rapidly, partially due to unexpectedly high Medicare expenditures, rapid inflation in the economy, expansion of hospital expenses and profits, and changes in medical care including greater use of technology, medications, and conservative approaches to treatment. American medicine is now seen as in crisis.

President Nixon's plan for national health insurance rejected by liberals & labor unions, but his 'War on Cancer' centralizes research at the NIH.

The number of women entering the medical profession rises dramatically. In 1970, 9% of medical students are women; by the end of the decade, the proportion exceeds 25%.
World Health Organization declares smallpox eradicated."

PBS- Healthcare Crisis: Healthcare Timeline 1960s

PBS- Healthcare Crisis: Healthcare Timeline: "In the 1950s, the price of hospital care doubled. Now in the early 1960s, those outside the workplace, especially the elderly, have difficulty affording insurance.


Over 700 insurance companies selling health insurance.

Concern about a 'doctor shortage' and the need for more 'health manpower' leads to federal measures to expand education in the health professions.

Major medical insurance endorses high-cost medicine.

President Lyndon Johnson signs Medicare and Medicaid into law.

'Compulsory Health Insurance' advocates are no longer optimistic'.

The number of doctors reporting themselves as full-time specialists grows from 55% in 1960 to 69%."

PBS- Healthcare Crisis: Healthcare Timeline 1950s

PBS- Healthcare Crisis: Healthcare Timeline: "At the start of the decade, national health care expenditures are 4.5 percent of the Gross National Product.


Attention turns to Korea and away from health reform; America will have a system of private insurance for those who can afford it and welfare services for the poor.

Federal responsibility for the sick poor is firmly established.

Many legislative proposals are made for different approaches to hospital insurance, but none succeed.
Many more medications are available now to treat a range of diseases, including infections, glaucoma, and arthritis, and new vaccines become available that prevent dreaded childhood diseases, including polio. The first successful organ transplant is performed.."